Hey, my name is Silver,
and not too long ago I was just like you...
Let me tell you a quick story about the time I planned to move to Germany but had no German language skills at all.
I started off with classical self-study methods spending hours on filling in blanks and answering multiple-choice questions. But I was struggling to practice my German. I had no one to talk to.
I felt that I was learning words but anytime I had to speak, I would be blocked because I just couldn't get out proper sentences. And I was afraid that I would be making mistakes.
You see, the problem I had was that I was in a vicious circle. I could not speak, so I was not getting speaking practice. And because I was not able to get speaking practice, my German skills did not improve.
As you can imagine, I was desperate, but I wasn't ready to give up on my dream of being able to feel confident and making Germany my new home.
That was when I had my big a-ha moment.
I realized that I had to break out of this circle and get into a regular speaking and conversion mode - meaning I had to create a new habit of speaking German and ignore my fear of making mistakes. And guess what? I started to speak.
That's when I realized it wasn't my fault! I was failing because although my goal was to speak German, I was doing everything else but that. No wonder I was struggling.
I used what I discovered to build the unique Magiclingua Method over the past 3 years.
Here is why it works so well...